How to remove copyright / credits from free Neve WP theme?
Sometimes in May 2022, developers of the Neve WordPress theme decided to insert the following credit in their free version:
Neve | Powered by WordPress
I think that’s not fair to the existing users of the free Neve theme since many would not even begin using it because of it. However, in the spirit of the GNU GPL, you can easily edit that part out.
To remove the Neve copyright/credits just head out to:
Appearance -> Editor
Open the following file:
header-footer-grid -> Core -> Builder -> footer.php
Remove the following “add_action” line.
add_action( 'neve_after_slot_component', [ $this, 'add_footer_component' ], 10, 3 );
Btw. I would suggest moving to the Suki WP theme it’s very similar, but much more user-friendly with more options. It’s also built using vanilla js and it’s maybe even faster than Neve.